Rules are a big deal for most associations, and Danielson Grove is no exception. When they function at their best, they fade into invisibility. But every once in a while, questions arise about what the rules are and how things work. For those times, here is a tour that should help you make sense of it all. Here's hoping you don't need to read it.

Protective Covenants

Everything starts with the Protective Covenants. This is the document that was written specifically for and legally attached to the Danielson Grove plat. When you buy property here, part of what you are buying is this document. Since it is legally attached to the land, changing this document requires significant effort, including hiring a lawyer and re-registering it with Kind County -- not impossible, but not how I'd like to spend a warm summer evening. Since we formed Danielson Grove in 2005, we have yet to make any changes to this document.

So, what's in the document, exactly? Aside from the tedious-as-sand definitions, it contains a ton of restrictions and grants the board authority to make decisions and take actions. Here is small sampler of interesting tidbits, just scratching the surface:

  • No business use of property that creates an annoyance.
  • The number and type of pets that you can have. Did you know you're not allowed to keep snakes or chickens on the property?
  • Decorative holiday lights must be removed within 30 days after the date of the holiday.
  • No unsightly conditions are allowed.
  • No window air conditioners, machinery, equipment, pumps, or drilling for oil is permitted.
  • No more than two lots may be leased by the owners at any one time, and never for less than six months.
  • Number of directors, officers, authority of the board and voting rights.

Want to read more? Read the entire document here: Protective Covenants - Danielson Grove.

Danielson Grove Community Rules

This document is intended to provide a less formal way to cover details that the Protective Covenants may have missed. The rules were initially adopted by the board in September, 2005 and can be changed by a majority vote of the board at any time. The last time we changed this document was Sept 3, 2008. In the case of a conflict between the rules and the Protective Covenants, the Covenants win. Here are a few examples of what the rules cover:

  • Clean up after yourself.
  • No smoking in any area of the commons.
  • Information on how to reserve the commons building for a private event.
  • Agreement to use only organic fertilizers and comply with the King County Natural Yard Care Neighborhood Program.
  • Other rules covering dogs, quiet times, and children.

Read the full text here: Danielson Grove Community Rules

Other Governing Documents

It seems unlikely that anyone would take an interest in these, but I suppose it makes sense to make them all available here.

The DGOA Articles and Bylaws breath life into the board and are registered with the Washington Secretary of State. If it's true that "boards are people too," this is what makes it so. The articles and bylaws describe the membership of the board, some basic authority and how it functions.

Continuing down the list of arcane documents, the Ordinance 3856 is the document adopted by the City of Kirkland that authorized the creation of Danielson Grove. The ordinance sets restrictions on the size and use of the properties.

Thoughts? Questions? Head on over to the blog to read a couple posts on how to think about rules and restrictions. Or talk to Jim, Julie or Peter, or whoever else might happen to be on the board by the time you read this.